6 Essential Foods for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition where men find it difficult to have or maintain an erection during intercourse. Erection occurs when blood rushes to the penis to maintain the rigidity for sex. However, in some cases, poor blood flow and vascular health pose a problem in maintaining or having an erection itself.
ED can be due to underlying conditions, lifestyle habits, stress, and diet. Out of these, diet plays a vital role in improving ED. A well-balanced diet is necessary for all systems to function well in a human being. The same holds good for the reproductive system too. People with ED need to be mindful of the diet that would promote good reproductive health. This article discusses six diet tips for ED.
1. Eat more nuts
Nuts play a vital role in improving the blood flow and the vascular supply to the reproductive organs. In general, nitric oxide is one compound in the blood that measures vascular health and proper blood flow. L-arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide, is found in nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, which build a healthy vascular system that is an important factor for erection.
2. Have fruits and vegetables
Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for increased sex drive and helps a lot in ED. If incorporated in the diet some fruits and vegetables help increase the testosterone levels, and restore the dysfunction. Some examples of fruits for potency are avocados, apples, grapes, and watermelons. Vegetables that help with ED include spinach, beetroot, tomatoes, celery, and beans.
3. Eat spicy food
Spicy food that constitutes chilies and pepper is essential for increased libido (sex drive) and maintaining a good erection. For example, capsaicin present in chili pepper is one compound that stimulates the nervous system and manages the reflexes of the penis. Spices do enhance vigor and are one of the important diet tips for ED.
4. Have fish and oysters
Tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and oysters are rich in zinc and folate. These elements contribute to testosterone production and relax and widen the blood vessels. This results in proper blood flow throughout the body, including the penis, and boosts the sperm count. Those with ED should regularly have fish and oysters to boost their reproductive health.
5. Say no to meat
Meat-eating, especially red and processed meat, greatly impairs the potency of the reproductive system in men. In general, a lot of meat intake results in clogging the arteries throughout the body. This happens to the penile arteries too. So, if you have a problem with ED, it is mandatory to cut down largely on meat.
6. Add more garlic
This is a wonderful element that can be included in almost all foods. It is one of the easiest of the diet tips for ED that can be followed. A compound called allicin in garlic facilitates a good blood supply to the male sex organ.