5 Simple yet Effective Prevention Tips for DVT

5 Simple yet Effective Prevention Tips for DVT

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that affects the veins of the legs. Blood clots form within the veins, causing them to swell and triggering significant pain. DVT can prove fatal if proper treatment is not undertaken as it hampers blood flow to the heart and lungs. Here are a few simple prevention tips for DVT that can also benefit one’s overall health.

1. Avoid prolonged sitting and standing
Avoiding prolonged sitting and standing is one of the important prevention tips for DVT, as these actions may cause excessive pressure on the veins of the legs. This causes them to swell and prevents proper blood flow through the veins, leading to stagnant blood and clotting. It should be noted that veins in the legs bring blood from the abdomen and legs to the heart. These veins have valves that maintain the direction of the blood flow, and the pressure caused by standing or sitting for long hours hampers the functioning of these valves and veins, causing improper circulation to the lungs and heart.

2. Maintain a healthy weight
Obesity is one of the key factors for developing DVT, so maintaining a healthy weight is a helpful prevention tip for DVT. Fibrinolysis is the process of the natural breakdown of clots by the body, but studies have proved that obesity impairs fibrinolysis, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in the veins of the legs. Shedding the extra pounds has proven to be effective for preventing DVT.

3. Prevent clotting disorders
Certain proteins in the blood help the blood clot after a cut or an injury, preventing excessive bleeding. That said, some clotting disorders cause hypercoagulability, where the blood clots more than usual, and these clots can travel through the bloodstream and obstruct blood flow to major organs, resulting in complications. This is also called thrombophilia. While some inherit these clotting disorders, some acquire a condition due to a combination of factors. Some of these factors are:

  • Prolonged bed rest without any form of mobility due to an injury or surgery
  • Trauma to the lower limbs
  • Birth control pills
  • Underlying comorbidities like hypertension, cancer, bowel disease, and heart disease

4. Avoid smoking
This habit, undeniably, plays a vital role in the development of DVT. Smoking alters the metabolic and chemical makeup of the blood and makes it thicker. It also damages the lining of the blood vessels, making blood flow difficult. This is why physicians recommend blood thinners to treat DVT. Quitting smoking is among the most important prevention tips for DVT.

5. Prevent long travel
Frequent and long air travel provokes deep vein thrombosis. Inactivity and sitting for a long time impairs blood circulation and impacts the blood vessels in the legs, causing clots. So, it is very important to stretch one’s legs and change posture during long travel. This allows one to mobilize their legs and prevent cramping and DVT.