7 Foods That Trigger Hyperhidrosis
Sweating or perspiration is the body’s method of cooling down. It is controlled by the nervous system and cannot be voluntarily managed by a person. To avoid excessive sweating, one must avoid the triggers that cause or increase perspiration. In addition to seeking treatment, diet modifications help manage the condition. While eating the right foods is important, one must also avoid the worst foods for managing heavy sweating effectively.
1. Salt
Excess salt intake is bad for health in general, as it increases the risk of heart issues and leads to high blood pressure. When a person consumes too much salt, the body naturally works to eliminate it from the system through sweat and urine. So, it naturally follows that avoiding salty foods and snacks will help control sweating, and it is also beneficial for overall health.
2. Hot and spicy food
Spicy food has a component called capsaicin, which is a great metabolism booster and has several other health benefits. That said, eating hot and spicy foods is a well-known trigger of a flushed face accompanied by sweating. This effect makes hot and spicy food one of the worst foods for people looking to manage heavy sweating.
3. Caffeine
A cup of coffee usually perks one up due to its caffeine content. Caffeine stimulates the body and causes it to produce epinephrine (adrenaline), which increases heart rate and raises blood pressure. These factors also cause a person to sweat more, making coffee and caffeinated drinks among the top entries on the list of the worst foods for heavy sweating.
4. High-fat, processed foods
One’s diet should ideally be balanced and provide adequate nutrients and fiber. The fiber in food makes digestion easier, and a high intake of processed, low-fiber food makes it hard for the digestive system to work effectively. Fatty food is also hard to digest. When the body strains to digest food, it causes the internal temperature to rise, triggering sweating.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol acts as a stimulant and increases heart rate and blood flow. This triggers sweating, so those who wish to reduce excessive sweat are advised to avoid alcohol consumption.
6. Fatty desserts
Most of us reach for a chilled sweet on a hot day, but desserts that are high on fat, like ice cream, make digestion difficult. This makes a person sweat more. A slice of fruit would be a better option to satisfy your sweet tooth and prevent perspiration.
7. Meat and high-protein foods
High-protein foods should be part of a balanced diet, but they are harder to digest. So a meal that is rather high on protein will cause more sweating. The digestion of protein forms urea in the body, which is eliminated through urine and sweat. So, high protein foods are also among the worst foods for heavy sweating.