Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for UTI

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for UTI

Urinary tract infection is the most common condition that affects both men and women, especially women owing to the anatomy of the reproductive system. UTI refers to the infection of the urinary tract and bladder. This is generally painful and has to be treated well on time to prevent it from progressing further. What causes urinary tract infections? Poor toilet and bathing habits, especially women need to wash from front to back (vagina to anus) to prevent the bacteria of the anus from entering the vagina. A suppressed immune system gives way to a lot of infections, one of them is UTI. Diabetes is another cause for the infection Unhygienic sex – one needs to make sure that the partner maintains good hygiene before and after the act. This prevents many infections. What are the symptoms of urinary tract infections? Following are the sign and symptoms of UTI that you need to be aware of: Severe pain and burning during urination Pressure sensation Frequent urge to urinate Pain in the groin and pelvis, which sometimes can radiate to the lower back and lower abdomen. What are the ways to treat UTI? UTI can be bothersome until symptoms subside. Pain during urination must be keenly observed and catered to because UTIs can develop into chronic infections and can cause terrible consequences if left untreated.
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The Worst U.S. States to Live for Migraine Patients

The Worst U.S. States to Live for Migraine Patients

Extreme throbbing pain, especially in one side of the head, is referred to as migraine. It is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A migraine patient is also sensitive to sound and light. It can last for a few hours. Sometimes, it also lasts for days at a stretch. 1. Worst states to live in for migraine patients These states in the country are among the worst ones for migraine patients: Texas Ohio South Carolina Tennessee Wisconsin Missouri Arkansas 2. Symptoms of migraine Some of the common symptoms of migraine include constipation, stiffness in the neck, frequent yawning, mood changes, difficulty speaking, vision loss, eyes flashes, and numbness in the face or one side of the body. You may even feel throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light during a migraine episode. You may also feel extremely fatigued. 3. Triggers of migraine Alcohol could trigger a migraine flare-up. Caffeine could also trigger migraines in some people. Similarly, stress is also one of the leading causes of migraine. Hormonal changes in both men and women (before and during menstrual cycles, during pregnancy, and during menopause when it comes to women). Even oral contraceptives can cause this condition in women. Certain people get affected by migraine due to the changes in weather.
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6 Essential Foods for Erectile Dysfunction

6 Essential Foods for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition where men find it difficult to have or maintain an erection during intercourse. Erection occurs when blood rushes to the penis to maintain the rigidity for sex. However, in some cases, poor blood flow and vascular health pose a problem in maintaining or having an erection itself. ED can be due to underlying conditions, lifestyle habits, stress, and diet. Out of these, diet plays a vital role in improving ED. A well-balanced diet is necessary for all systems to function well in a human being. The same holds good for the reproductive system too. People with ED need to be mindful of the diet that would promote good reproductive health. This article discusses six diet tips for ED. 1. Eat more nuts Nuts play a vital role in improving the blood flow and the vascular supply to the reproductive organs. In general, nitric oxide is one compound in the blood that measures vascular health and proper blood flow. L-arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide, is found in nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, which build a healthy vascular system that is an important factor for erection. 2. Have fruits and vegetables Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for increased sex drive and helps a lot in ED.
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Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Leukemia

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Leukemia

Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow. There is a wrong perception that leukemia affects only children. Even adults can be affected. Leukemia is classified as acute (where cancer cells appear suddenly and multiply) and chronic (which takes many years to develop). There are many signs and symptoms of leukemia, which can help in detecting the disease early. This can be a problem in the case of children, who may not express their symptoms. Parents should be observant, and if these symptoms are spotted, they need to immediately see a specialist doctor who can carry out tests for leukemia. This article discusses the early signs and symptoms of leukemia. 1. Early signs to watch for Cancers are challenging to diagnose at an early stage due to a lack of symptoms. However, some early warning signs of leukemia become evident as the cancer starts growing. These include: Fever Fatigue that does not resolve even rest Severe headaches that remain for a long time Night sweats Being bruised easily Loss of appetite Pain in the bones Pain the joints Shortness of breath Frequent susceptibility to infections 2. Symptoms of leukemia Apart from the early signs, there are many other symptoms of leukemia that one may observe.
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10 DIY Remedies for Dry Eyes

10 DIY Remedies for Dry Eyes

When the tear glands do not produce sufficient tears to lubricate the eyes, it leads to a condition called dry eyes. The causes of dry eyes can be environmental as well as medical factors. While there are medical options, this condition can be treated using DIY remedies. To help you, here are 10 DIY remedies for dry eyes. 1. Wash your eyes regularly If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, then you should wash your eyes regularly. This should include washing both the eyelids and eyelashes. Women who apply eye makeup can use warm water and light, preservative-free shampoo to clean the eyes. 2. Warm compress A warm compress can be placed on the eye regularly to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. This DIY remedy is effective as it improves blood circulation. 3. Increase water consumption Increase your daily water consumption to keep your eyes hydrated and reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily is a must for a healthy body. 4. Coconut oil Close your eyelids and place a piece of cotton dipped with coconut oil on it. This makes a layer of protection over the tear glands, preventing the eyes from drying.
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Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma is a rare form of skin cancer. Even though the condition is rare, it is dangerous. It occurs mainly due to the harmful UV rays from the sun. In this article, we will look at the early warning signs of melanoma that can help in early detection. What is melanoma? Melanoma is a skin cancer that occurs in the melanocytes that produce melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color. It is believed that exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun is the reason for this cancer. Melanomas commonly occur on the face, arms, legs, and back. It is common on parts that are exposed to sunlight the most. It is important to detect this cancer early since it causes many deaths and is a fatal form of skin cancer. Understanding the early warning signs of melanoma can help in early detection. Early warning signs The early signs of melanoma occur in the form of changes in moles, spots, or sores on the body. The symptoms to watch out for are: Any change in the size, shape, color, or appearance of a mole on the skin can be a warning sign of melanoma and must not be ignored.
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4 Early Signs of an Overactive Bladder

4 Early Signs of an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition in which the bladder contracts involuntarily and causes an abnormal urge to urinate. OAB is related to multiple conditions, such as diabetes, nerve and muscle damage, weakened pelvic muscles, and more. Here are a few early warning signs of OAB: 1. Symptoms Here are a few symptoms of an overactive bladder: Urge incontinence Urge incontinence refers to loss of bladder control and involuntary leaking or passing urine before one can get to the toilet. This can be really bothersome and embarrassing, and has to be dealt with care. Surgeries to treat urge incontinence or wearing diapers is strongly advised if it continues to be a problem and impacts day-to-day activities greatly. Stress urinary incontinence In stress urinary incontinence, urine leakage takes place because of the pressure applied on the bladder and urethra. Urinary urgency A urinary urgency is the need to urinate several times a day, even when the bladder is not full. Normally, bladder function is controlled by the brain that sends impulses to the bladder when it is full, which contracts and induces the urge to urinate. But in this case of a urinary urgency, the bladder acts independently from the brain signals, resulting in a urinary urgency.
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Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are outgrowths along the lining of the nasal mucosa. These are not painful and not cancerous. Though some nasal polyps shrink on their own, some can grow in size and obstruct the nasal passage if not treated on time. Causes of nasal polyps 1. Asthma Nasal polyps and asthma coexist and if one is asthmatic for a prolonged time, there are chances of nasal polyps to develop. 2. Allergic reaction Some medications like aspirin and anti-inflammatory medicines induce an allergy-like response that causes an inflammatory reaction in the nasal passage causing the polyps to develop. 3. Infections Chronic sinusitis and other respiratory infections that affect the nasal passages can cause inflammation and swelling resulting in nasal polyps. Early warning signs of nasal polyps There are many signs to indicate the growth or presence of nasal polyps. These signs are: 1. Runny nose A runny nose associated with a cold is normal, but when it persists for weeks together it can cause swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa and the sinuses causing sinusitis giving rise to nasal polyps. 2. Postnasal drip Nasal polyps almost always obstruct the airways and prevent the mucus to normally flow through and there is a collection of mucus from the nose and throat that triggers a cough and makes the airway thoroughly congested.
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8 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

8 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer develops in the ovaries, the key reproductive organs in the female reproductive system. Failure to treat this cancer on time can lead to one losing their ovaries. It is important to be aware of the early warning signs of this cancer in order to find suitable treatment options for the same. Ovarian cancer occurs due to growth of tumors in the ovaries. Statistics show that 20 percent of all ovarian cancer cases can be detected early. It is important to know about the early warning signs of ovarian cancer in order to get effective treatment for the same. In most cancers, there are hardly any symptoms in the early stages. It is only when the tumor starts to grow that the symptoms start appearing. There are certain early symptoms of ovarian cancer that are evident, and should never be ignored. Some of them include: 1. Abdominal bloating Bloating in the abdomen is usually misdiagnosed as a gastric problem. Bloating can be accompanied by pain and a feeling of pressure in the abdomen. 2. Fullness in the stomach Because of abdominal bloating, one may face problems related to eating. After eating, there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, which is abnormal.
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Early Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Early Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer affects the male reproductive system. Like most cancers, it needs to be detected early to ensure successful treatment. It is essential to know the early symptoms of this disease. The article lists out the early warning signs of prostate cancer. The prostate is an organ that lies below the urinary bladder and near the rectum. It is the organ that produces the fluid that forms the semen. Cancer in the prostate glands occurs due to uncontrolled growth of cells. It may appear in the form of a growth in the prostate. Treatment is possible for prostate cancer. The treatment’s effectiveness depends on early detection. Being aware of the early warning signs of prostate cancer can be helpful in detecting this cancer at an early stage so that proper treatment is given. 1. Early warning signs During the very early stage of this cancer, there are hardly any symptoms. It is also not possible to feel the tumor. Screening for prostate cancer is the only way of detecting cancer at the early stage. As the tumor grows, symptoms begin to manifest. Pain or burning sensation while urinating is one of the early signs. This occurs even in case of an infection and hence may go undetected.
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