6 Foods to Avoid for Osteoarthritis Pain

6 Foods to Avoid for Osteoarthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints. It causes inflammation and pain. Specific triggers can increase arthritis pain. Food is one of the triggers that can worsen arthritis pain. The article lists out some of the foods to avoid for arthritis pain. 1. Fatty foods One of the foods to avoid for osteoarthritis pain is food containing fat. Saturated fat is available in cheese, meat, and butter. Red meat contains saturated fat that can worsen inflammation and increase pain. One of the worst kinds of fats is trans fat. This heightens cholesterol levels and increases inflammation. It is usually found in most snacks and processed foods and must be avoided. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in plant oils like sunflower oil, corn oil, and vegetable oil. These are good to consume in moderation. But if used in excess, it can increase inflammation. 2. Sodium in diet Sodium in salt can trigger the symptoms of arthritis. Excess sodium in the body can cause fluid buildup and can be bad for the kidneys. It can increase blood pressure and worsen inflammation. Arthritis patients must limit salt consumption. They must not take more than 1500 mg of sodium per day from all sources.
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7 Foods to Avoid for Rheumatoid Arthritis

7 Foods to Avoid for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that is known to get worse with age. It is of two types namely osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis pain can be acute or chronic. Arthritis patients could suffer from pain, which could disallow them from using their joints effectively. Along with medications and exercise, intake of proper food items will assist to control the arthritis pain. Listed below are some foods that should be avoided by rheumatoid arthritis patients. 1. Gluten Gluten is said to trigger the symptoms of arthritis pain. Hence, gluten-containing foods should be avoided. Examples of food items constituting gluten are cereals, bread, pasta, and noodles. Gluten can be present anywhere in the blood. It could eventually lead to severe complications. 2. Sugar A person suffering from arthritis should reduce the intake of sugar and sugar-containing products to avoid the pain associated with the condition. Excess sugar intake also increases the risk of being diagnosed with other medical conditions. It is advisable to check the labels of the food products that you are purchasing to check the sugar content. 3. Purines The ingredients in the food that convert into uric acid by the body are called purines. Gout is a type of arthritis and people suffering from gout should adhere to a low purine diet.
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6 Foods to Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

6 Foods to Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks its immune system. This condition greatly affects the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and can result in severe symptoms that impact day-to-day activities. Some foods can exacerbate MS symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a well-balanced diet that replenishes the nervous system. To help you, here are six foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis. 1. Fats Fat in any form should be avoided, especially foods high in saturated fats found in processed and red meats, full-fat milk, and dairy products like cheese and butter. Saturated fats found in meat and dairy are broken down into compounds that can negatively impact the nervous system, worsening MS. 2. Refined sugar Sweetened, carbonated drinks and processed foods high in sugar should be avoided. Apart from contributing to diabetes and obesity, which are predisposing factors for multiple sclerosis, sugar also flares up MS causing inflammation of the nerve cells, making it food to avoid for MS. 3. Caffeine Caffeine is known to de-stress the system; however, if one has MS, one has to consume coffee and other caffeinated drinks in moderation. Too much caffeine induces urination, and this may be particularly troublesome when one has an overactive bladder.
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12 Major and Lesser-Known Symptoms of PAH

12 Major and Lesser-Known Symptoms of PAH

PAH, i.e., pulmonary arterial hypertension, affects the right side of the heart and the arteries in the lungs. It can worsen with the passage of time. Treatment helps in controlling the symptoms of the disease. In this disease, the arteries in the lungs get either blocked or narrowed down, resulting in difficulty in blood flow. This consequently raises the blood pressure in the lungs. As a result of this, the heart needs to put in more work to be able to pump blood through those narrowed or blocked arteries. Over time, the heart muscle weakens, and it can lead up to heart failure. 1. Chest pain and erratic heart rate Chest pain is one of the symptoms of PAH as the heart muscles work harder in a person suffering from PAH than in normal healthy people. These muscles grow weak and cause irregular and erratic heartbeats and heart rates. Also, there might be chest pain. 2. Swelling of limbs Swelling in the limbs is a symptom of PAH. Edema can occur too in the feet. This happens as the kidneys can’t function properly. 3. Dizziness and tiredness When less blood reaches the lung, it cannot function properly, resulting in reduced oxygen to the brain.
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The 7 Most Effective Forms of Contraception

The 7 Most Effective Forms of Contraception

Contraception or birth control is a method used by men and women to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Birth control has become very important in the present era to combat unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Technology has advanced, and there are many methods used for contraception nowadays. Some have proved to be effective too. Some very effective forms of contraception are: 1. Birth control pill This is the easiest way to prevent pregnancy in women, so if one needs to prevent pregnancy, it is advised to take birth control pills within five to seven days after the onset of menstruation. This prevents or slows down ovulation and also makes it unfavorable for the sperm to penetrate through the ovum and fertilize the egg. It also prevents the fertilized egg from getting attached to the uterus. Birth control pills need to be taken as a 21-day or a 28-day course. 2. Intrauterine device This is a device in the shape of a “T” that is inserted through the vagina into the uterus. This acts as a barrier for the sperms to penetrate and fertilize the egg. The commonly used device is the Mirena device, which is the hormonal IUD that has progestin in it that prevents pregnancy.
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Everyday Tips for Hemophilia Management

Everyday Tips for Hemophilia Management

Hemophilia is a condition where a person bleeds continuously after an injury without being able to clot. This is due to the absence of clotting factors in the blood and is a congenital disorder that is caused by some genetic variations. Here are some lifestyle tips that will be of help to hemophilia patients for daily management. 1. Injury While Playing Sports that involve a lot of falling or that carry a high risk of injuries like football, soccer, and basketball are to be avoided. These might injure the joints where the synovial membrane that covers the joint gets damaged and blood vessels in it might bleed and leak into the joints causing warmth, tenderness, inflammation, and severe pain around the injured area making even mobility difficult. 2. Injury With Accidents While traveling, it is necessary to wear seatbelts and helmets and make sure to have all protective gear in place to avoid injury. Head injury is seen as a major cause in patients with hemophilia during a fall or an accident. Trauma to the head leads to intracranial bleeding where a blood vessel leaks in the brain leading to brain damage and even death. Driving slowly along with protective measures can help a great deal to avoid accidents.
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Effective Lifestyle Tips For Managing GERD

Effective Lifestyle Tips For Managing GERD

GERD is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. A muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach plays a vital role in locking the food and the acid and other stomach contents and prevents backflow to the esophagus. When this muscle weakens or malfunctions, it leads to acid reflux, i.e. a backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. When this is chronic, it eventually results in GERD. Symptoms of GERD Common symptoms of GERD include heartburn, constant burping, regurgitation, and bloating. While the condition mostly requires medication, it can be managed up to a huge extent by following certain lifestyle changes. Here are some of them given below. Lifestyle tips for managing GERD Though GERD is treated with antacids and other medications, the recovery process is expedited via lifestyle modifications. These are: 1. Dietary habits Diet is a very important factor for GERD. Some foods trigger the symptoms and should be strictly avoided, but these differ from person to person. Anything quite acidic should be avoided, but the intake of lots of fruits and vegetables helps to a large extent. Foods to avoid in the diet are citruses, excess caffeine, mint, and spicy, fried, and oily items.
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6 Natural Foods for Soothing Cold and Flu

6 Natural Foods for Soothing Cold and Flu

Cold and flu is a condition caused by viruses that produce symptoms, which may vary from a mild to a severe degree. Cold and flu symptoms are quite annoying and they can hinder one’s day-to-day activities. It includes runny nose, chest and throat congestion, sneezing, puffiness of the face, headaches, and cough among others. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics, however, they can subside the symptoms to a certain extent, but there are natural foods that can help one with the symptoms and one should incorporate them into a daily routine until the cold resolves. The natural foods that soothe cold and flu are 1. Soups A vegetable soup made up of vegetables or chicken soup helps a great deal to combat the symptoms, but the most important thing is to add a lot of pepper to it which inhibits phlegm production. 2. Tea Tea plays a vital role in resolving throat congestion. It is usual to have a sore throat that sometimes hurts badly with cold and flu. Hot tea helps in soothing the mucous membranes and muscles of the throat to a large extent and helps inflammation. Ginger tea helps a great deal as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that resolve the congestion of the throat and lungs.
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Common Triggers and Avoidance Tips for Asthma Patients

Common Triggers and Avoidance Tips for Asthma Patients

Asthma is a condition of the respiratory tract wherein breathing becomes difficult due to constriction of the airway that results in wheezing. This occurs due to narrowing, inflammation, and swelling of the airways. Symptoms of asthma The symptoms of asthma may vary from mild to severe degrees. They include wheezing, shortness of breath, pressure, and coughing. Asthma is triggered by various factors like environment, activity, pollutants, and food. Common triggers for asthma The factors that contribute to asthma are: Environmental Factors 1. Pollen and weeds Pollen and weeds are some of the common triggers for asthma for some. Pollens, weeds, and mold spores that are present in the air at a certain time of the season, when inhaled, spark off a sensitive reaction that triggers the immune system. As a result, the immune system overreacts and produces histamines. Histamines are components produced by mast cells, which cause the muscle lining, the bronchus, to contract, swell, and produce increased secretions. 2. Pet danders Usually, pets shed hair from time to time. When one, susceptible to asthma, inhales these tiny hairs present in the air around them, it produces an allergic reaction, which can include itchy and watery eyes, cough, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.
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Common Signs of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C

Common Signs of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus that can cause liver damage. It can be transmitted through shared needles or blood transfusion. The condition is curable, and screening is recommended for all adults aged 18-79, as many miss out on timely treatment because the symptoms don’t show. Knowing the common symptoms of hepatitis C can help one understand more about this disease and facilitate timely treatment. 1. Early symptoms The early or acute symptoms of hepatitis C manifest in the early stages of the disease, usually within 2-12 weeks of the virus entering the body. The condition can be treated quickly if detected early, and while the symptoms may subside if left untreated, the disease can become chronic. The early symptoms include: Digestive symptoms Pain in the stomach is a common early sign of hepatitis C. Loss of appetite and nausea are often associated with this disease, and nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. Jaundice Hepatitis C can cause jaundice, which manifests as yellowing of the skin and eyes. Another common symptom of jaundice is the urine turning darker in color. Jaundice also results in light or clay-colored stools. If one observes any of the symptoms of jaundice, it is advisable to check for hepatitis C and begin timely treatment.
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