Common Signs of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus that can cause liver damage. It can be transmitted through shared needles or blood transfusion. The condition is curable, and screening is recommended for all adults aged 18-79, as many miss out on timely treatment because the symptoms don’t show. Knowing the common symptoms of hepatitis C can help one understand more about this disease and facilitate timely treatment.
1. Early symptoms
The early or acute symptoms of hepatitis C manifest in the early stages of the disease, usually within 2-12 weeks of the virus entering the body. The condition can be treated quickly if detected early, and while the symptoms may subside if left untreated, the disease can become chronic. The early symptoms include:
- Digestive symptoms
Pain in the stomach is a common early sign of hepatitis C. Loss of appetite and nausea are often associated with this disease, and nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. - Jaundice
Hepatitis C can cause jaundice, which manifests as yellowing of the skin and eyes. Another common symptom of jaundice is the urine turning darker in color. Jaundice also results in light or clay-colored stools. If one observes any of the symptoms of jaundice, it is advisable to check for hepatitis C and begin timely treatment. - Fever
Fever and fatigue, along with muscle soreness, is an early symptom of jaundice.
2. Chronic symptoms
If hepatitis C is not treated at the acute stage, it turns into chronic hepatitis C. The virus stays for many years without showing any symptoms, and chronic hepatitis can even cause liver damage. Some patients experience the same symptoms as in the case of acute hepatitis C, along with some of the following symptoms:
- Swelling
This disease causes a fluid buildup in the body, which is also known as ascites. This causes swelling throughout the body, and the legs may also swell up due to fluid buildup. - Skin symptoms
Severe itching or skin rashes is another common symptom of hepatitis C that occurs due to the malfunctioning of the liver. Another skin-related symptom is the growth of spider angiomas, which causes spider-shaped blood vessels on the legs. - Other symptoms
Other common symptoms of hepatitis C include sudden and uninduced weight loss, confusion, drowsiness, and speech problems (known as hepatic encephalopathy). The condition also causes one to be bruised or bleed easily.
3. Complications of hepatitis C
If left untreated, the disease can progress and cause serious liver health issues. This includes scarring or cirrhosis of the liver, which affects the organ’s functioning. If cirrhosis is not treated, it can cause liver failure and may require a liver transplant. It also elevates an individual’s risk of developing liver cancer over time.