10 IBS Trigger Foods to Avoid
Those who have been diagnosed with IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, need to watch what they consume. This means knowing what foods to avoid for IBS and choosing alternatives instead. IBS is characterized by symptoms like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Since food triggers may vary from one person to another, one cannot depend on one list to keep their IBS symptoms in check.
Here are some of the top foods to avoid for IBS:
1. Insoluble fiber
While soluble dietary fiber is highly recommended for people with IBS, insoluble fiber must be avoided at all costs as it keeps their stomach healthy. While high fiber foods like whole grains and veggies contain insoluble fiber, foods like fruits and beans have soluble fibers. The latter is recommended for people with IBS, but they must avoid wheat bran to make the symptoms worse.
2. Gluten
This refers to a class of proteins found in foods like barley or rye, which can trigger IBS symptoms. A few people also have an immune response to this protein called celiac disease, while some suffer from gluten intolerance. According to experts, a gluten-free diet will help to ease IBS symptoms. Instead of gluten-rich foods, you can consider alternatives like oats and quinoa.
3. Dairy foods
These are fat-rich and may trigger diarrhea-like symptoms, which is why, it is best to opt for low-fat or non-fat dairy foods. Milk can be a trigger for those with IBS. In such a situation, it is best to choose soy-based and plant-based milk.
4. Processed foods
These typically have excess salt, preservatives, added sugar, fats, etc. that can aggravate IBS symptoms. So, foods like pre-cooked frozen meals, chips, processed meats, and fried foods are best avoided.
5. Caffeinated drinks
While some people cannot do without their morning cuppa, IBS patients should remember that coffee can cause diarrhea, as can foods like sodas or energy drinks. These are foods to avoid for IBS; alternately, they can choose to indulge in a small snack if they want energy.
6. Fried foods
These can prove to be harmful to people with IBS, as they are incredibly high in unhealthy fats. When foods are fried, they end up changing their chemical composition, making it hard to digest them. Instead of frying, one can choose to grill or bake the food to keep their IBS symptoms in check.
7. Beans or legumes
These may be excellent fiber and protein sources, but they can trigger IBS symptoms. These have compounds called oligosaccharides, which cannot be easily digested by intestinal enzymes. Beans may make one’s stool bulky, but it can also cause cramps, bloating, and gas. If one wants to eat lentils and beans, they should soak these overnight to make them easily digestible.
8. Broccoli
Vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli are hard to digest and can aggravate IBS symptoms; it is best to saute them or roast them.
9. Chocolate
IBS symptoms become worse when one eats chocolate, as they are rich in sugar and fat. Many people suffer get constipation after eating chocolates; they should opt for vegan options.
10. Alcohol
Alcoholic drinks can be a nightmare for people diagnosed with IBS because alcohol causes severe dehydration that affects digestion. It is especially risky to drink beer when one has IBS, as beer has gluten. Mixed drinks and wines are also best avoided because these have a lot of sugar.