Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are outgrowths along the lining of the nasal mucosa. These are not painful and not cancerous. Though some nasal polyps shrink on their own, some can grow in size and obstruct the nasal passage if not treated on time.

Causes of nasal polyps

1. Asthma
Nasal polyps and asthma coexist and if one is asthmatic for a prolonged time, there are chances of nasal polyps to develop.

2. Allergic reaction
Some medications like aspirin and anti-inflammatory medicines induce an allergy-like response that causes an inflammatory reaction in the nasal passage causing the polyps to develop.

3. Infections
Chronic sinusitis and other respiratory infections that affect the nasal passages can cause inflammation and swelling resulting in nasal polyps.

Early warning signs of nasal polyps
There are many signs to indicate the growth or presence of nasal polyps. These signs are:

1. Runny nose
A runny nose associated with a cold is normal, but when it persists for weeks together it can cause swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa and the sinuses causing sinusitis giving rise to nasal polyps.

2. Postnasal drip
Nasal polyps almost always obstruct the airways and prevent the mucus to normally flow through and there is a collection of mucus from the nose and throat that triggers a cough and makes the airway thoroughly congested. This is called a post nasal drip. This causes a tickling sensation in the throat and induces cough as a clearing mechanism. This though is caused by many factors like allergies, irritants, and cold weather is also one of the early warning signs of nasal polyps.

3. Facial pain
Nasal polyps bring about pressure around the paranasal sinuses. These are the sinuses around the nasal cavity. They include the maxillary (located below cheek, teeth, and sides of the nose), frontal (behind eyes and forehead), ethmoid (around the nose), and sphenoidal sinuses (between the eyes). Thus, when there is a chronic infection or recurrent allergies that irritate these paranasal sinuses, they become inflamed and boggy that can lead to the development of nasal polyps, which results in difficulty breathing and clogged airway along with facial pain and pressure on the forehead.

4. Impact of sense of smell and taste
This is an important early warning sign of nasal polyps. When the polyps grow larger, they block the nasal passage, thus preventing the odor to pass through the nostrils. Also, there are certain sensory cells along the nasal mucosa, which are responsible for the smell. The function of these cells is highly altered by polyps and they cause hyposmia (decreased sense of smell) or anosmia (complete absence of smell) based on the size and nature of polyps.

5. Constant pressure over forehead and face
Sinus cavities are present around the nose that produce mucus that acts as a barrier for pollutants and dust and also moisturizes the nose. Sometimes, chronic infection of the sinuses might lead to nasal polyps that cause pressure over the face and forehead. This also may serve as one of the early warning signs of nasal polyps.