Different Stages and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Different Stages and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

All cancers are divided into stages based on the growth and spread of cancers. The symptoms and the treatment would both vary depending on the stage of breast cancer. The article lists out the stages and symptoms of breast cancer.

Breast cancer refers to tumors that develop in the breast. These tumors develop due to the uncontrolled growth of cells. The tumor may develop in the lobules or in the ducts. It can occur even within the tissues of the breast.

Breast cancer is divided into five stages. The staging is done depending on the location and size of the tumor. Information on the stages and symptoms of breast cancer is helpful to understand more about this cancer. Doctors use this information to decide on the treatment to be provided.

Here is the classification of the stages and symptoms of breast cancer:

1. Stage 0
At this stage, there are no symptoms and cancer would be within the ducts of the breast.

2. Stage 1

  • Stage 1A
    In this stage, the tumor would be up to 2 centimeters large and would be confined to the breast.
  • Stage 1B
    At this stage, cancer may move to the lymph nodes. It would not be more than 2mm large.

3. Stage 2

  • Stage 2A
    The cancer is likely to have spread to the lymph nodes but would be smaller than 2 cm or would be confined to the breast and does not exceed 5 cm.
  • Stage 2B
    The tumor may be larger than 5 cm but confined to the breasts. And it would not exceed 5 cm if the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes.

At this stage, a lump in the breast will be felt. Thickening of the skin, swelling in the breast are other symptoms experienced.

4. Stage 3

  • Stage 3A
    The tumor may be larger than 5 cm and may have spread to axillary lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3B
    The tumor would have spread to the chest wall and would have spread to multiple lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3C
    The cancer cells would have spread to more than ten nodes.

At this stage, the lump in the breast and swelling would increase. There can be nipple discharge, the size and shape of the nipple and breast may change, and there may be swelling or a lump under the arm.

5. Stage 4
This stage is known as metastatic cancer. At this stage, cancer cells would have spread to other parts of the body. The symptoms at this stage would include:

  • Swelling in the breasts and armpits.
  • Discharge from the nipple.
  • Pain and discomfort in the breast.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Breathing problems.

Depending on the organ to which cancer has spread, different symptoms may be experienced.

The article explained the stages and symptoms of breast cancer. Early-stage breast cancer may not exhibit any symptoms. As cancer advances to higher stages, it can spread in the body and cause serious symptoms. Regular self-examination can help detect breast cancer early.